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2025 Annual Photo Challenge Mastery of Light Photography (Submission Deadline)

Scope of Competition

Light is the essence of photography, shaping our perception and influencing the mood and narrative of an image. Our competition invites photographers of all backgrounds to reveal the stunning interplay between light and shadow.

Submit an image that conveys your unique perspective. Develop imaginative compositions that creative shapes with light and shadows. Capture kinetic motion in suspenseful action shots, craft intimate narratives with subtle light cues, or reveal breathtaking landscapes and cityscapes awakened by dawn’s glow. Feel free to experiment with techniques like rim lighting and light painting to showcase your technical artistry and unleash your creativity.

The competition is open to all paid-up individual/family CAPA members and Life Members.

Images depicting individuals experiencing homelessness, infirmity, or people in crisis will not be accepted.  We consider the exploitation of the misfortune and suffering of others for the sake photography demonstrates a disregard for the well-being of our fellow individuals. 


For this competition, an entrant can submit a maximum of four images. However, a maximum of two images can be entered in each theme.

Only for this competition – CAPA Medals will be awarded for each theme.

May 13

Club Meeting

May 27

Club Meeting